Resolution Honoring Bill Webb Upon His Retirement as Editor
WHEREAS, Bill Webb began his journalism career as a 17‑year‑old high school student working for his hometown newspaper, the Register‑News in Mt. Vernon, Ill.; and
WHEREAS, he graduated with a journalism degree from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in 1977 and attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., from 1978‑81, leaving there to accept a news writer position with the Foreign Mission Board (now the International Mission Board); and
WHEREAS he was a faithful and active participant in the Association of State Baptist Papers, now the Association of State Baptist Publications (ASBP), during his time as editor of the Illinois Baptist 1984‑96, then as editor of Word&Way 1996‑2016; and
WHEREAS, he retired Dec. 31, 2016, after serving more than 20 years as editor of Word&Way, more than 35 years in denominational journalism, and nearly 50 years as a journalist; and
WHEREAS Word&Way was a member of the ASBP until the publication no longer related to a state convention of Southern Baptists; and
WHEREAS Bill Webb held several positions in ASBP including president 1996‑97, serving during the group’s annual meeting in San Francisco in February of 1997;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the grateful members of the Association of State Baptist Publications meeting in Ontario, Calif., do express their heartfelt appreciation to Bill Webb on this date, February 16, 2017.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we wish him and his wife Susan well in their recent retirement move to Marion, Ill., where they are now within three hours of all members of their family, including their three grandchildren.